Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wishes for a WellBalanced KaaSheBaa (tm) & New Year

Beloveds. . .

Tepit Nefert & Peaceful Winter Solstice, Giving Thanks & KaaSheBaa (tm) & Kwanzaa Wellthoughts 2 All. . .!

Just a brief Wellthought to each of you as you too mindfully journey within now, to positively renew and reseed your Awakened & Maat Purposed personal and social intentions -- may they then spring forth, blossom and flourish as fruitful & Knowing Action in the new year . . .

Please join us on our growing Online SistahPeace SisCommunity . . . at

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Take Time to Ask Our Obama Administration 4 Peace. . .


The Peace Alliance advocates for a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace:

The Peace Alliance

The Peace Alliance is a nonpartisan citizen action organization representing a growing constituency for peace. A 501(c)4 organization established in March 2004, our mission is to empower civic activism for a culture of peace.

Our vision is a future in which the practical programs and principles of peacebuilding are the bedrock of our personal, national and global interest and investment.

Our goal is to take the field of peacebuilding from the margins of the political and societal dialogue and bring it to its rightful place: Central to our policymaking, investment and understanding. We achieve this primarily through a massive public education, outreach and citizen lobbying effort.

Our current focus is the campaign for a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace.

Peace is not a utopian ideal; it is an issue critical to our national and human security. Either we continue reactively addressing ever-increasing levels of violence and the consequent human and economic costs, or we take a fresh approach. This isn’t about the politics of left or right; it is about what is practical and effective. 

We must create the possibility for applied peacebuilding to identify and resolve conflict before it erupts into violence.

The science of peacebuilding has significantly expanded over the past 30 years, creating previously unavailable tools for dismantling violence. Yet nowhere in the highest echelons of our government is there a platform from which to launch a focused, strategic approach to reducing and preventing violence.

We support a grassroots volunteer network that is active in all 50 states. A new kind of peace activist, Department of Peace campaign supporters work to establish connection and understanding with people from all segments of society and political affiliations, to practice the principles of peace, and to be a demonstration of what we are calling for.

We estimate approximately half of our base has a history of peace activism and half never before considered themselves “politically active.”

These passionate volunteers include Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party members, former and current military and police, soccer moms, entrepreneurs, senior citizens, youth on high school and college campuses, traditional peace activists, and more. They enroll their elected leaders and the public at large by working with members of Congress, writing editorials, doing local media interviews, organizing local talks and trainings, getting city council endorsements, and meeting with police chiefs, fire chiefs, prison officials, directors of abuse shelters, school boards, and others to discuss how a Department of Peace will benefit their community.